Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Do you want any help? You can't accomplish everything by yourself. Your inner being is always looking for something. We don't start our life by ourselves, utimately all things are from a Higher Being.

The wonderful cosmos points to a creator. He creates, and gives them freely, though priceless for us. He also wants to help us through our lifes. Very often even you don't understand yourself, but He knows you and prepares your way for you.

This is the God you know. But He wants you to know Him more, because the more you know him, the more peace you have. It's real peace, not artificial. He came to us and He made it possible. And you will know Him when you see the things He does.

Welcome to be our company on this wonderful journey!

Agape Community Church

Office Address: 115 College Street, Burlington
Phone: 802-448-0655 John

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