Thursday, March 7, 2013

Reflection: To Be a Good Shepherd

Why do you follow Jesus? Why is it worthy to trust yourself to Jesus? “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

I began to understand how good a shepherd Jesus is just recently. I became a Christian seven years ago, I knew the redemption through Jesus from the Bible especially Romans and shared with others and I committed my life to follow way of God, but I didn’t realize he loves me like a good shepherd recently until I began to serve God as a shepherd of his sheep.

In the Lent 2013, I am mediating John 13:1-19:30 every day with the help of a 40 day Lenten Bible Study “The Cross of Christ”.  The Jesus I know is not just Son of God who came to us and died for us, but he is a man living with his disciples and concerning about his disciples even before he was arrested and crucified. He concerns about his disciples like a friend. His image of love appeared vividly in my heart, and I was warmed inside by this love, this good shepherd.

Jesus said to Peter, “take care of my sheep”. A church minister is not a person who leads the church or teaches the Bible, but a person who love sheep of Jesus as he was loved by Jesus.


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