Sunday, February 24, 2013

Reflection “If You Love Me, You Will Obey What I Command”


Are you wandering in the goals you set? Are you thinking it’s hard to overcome obstacles? Do you feel that you are far from loving Jesus? “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” This is the source of the power of loving Jesus and obeying his commandments.

First, it tells us that loving Jesus is much more important than outside achievement. When we don’t lose this, we can be a true Christ follower. If we are successful in many things, but we fail in loving Jesus, we fail to be good Christian.

Second, it tells the way of obeying God’s words. When we think of loving God Father, we may feel far from him; but when we think of loving Jesus, the one who came to us, who is among us and who loved us first, we can love him. If we love him, we can obey his commandments. Loving Jesus Christ drives us to obey God’s commandments with sincere heart.